Pursuant to an ongoing federal, local, and hyperlocal lawsuit against Drift Kings, effective immediately we have made the difficult decision to terminate operations. Apparently, it's against the law to "Facilitate Unlicensed Gambling", or some junk like that. We would like to thank every single one of our players, except Wyatt. You know what you did. If you had any winnings still remaining within your Drift Kings account, they have been forfeit and reallocated to helping rebuild the structural foundation of the company (an inground pool). If you have any questions about the closure of Drift Kings, please visit your nearest public park and shout them at the closest bird. The bird will direct your question to us.
If you would like to help us recoup the devastating financial loss that our closure has brought, please consider clicking the link below. If not, then I must regret to inform you that you are now manually breathing.